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how we got planted

When I moved to Port Townsend with my family in 1991, I was not quite ready to leave my job behind in Los Angeles so I chose to commute  for the next 3 years.  Once I left that behind, I found myself enjoying being an avid gardener, working all day in my garden.  I began to notice that my friends and I  were always venturing out of town to find the accents, accessories, and tools we wanted for our gardens.  Those trips always took an entire day - I thought there had to be a better way.  I felt that there was a void in town that needed to be filled, some place where you could  find unusual and thoughtful things for your home and garden.  I also thought that if I felt that way, surely others in town did as well.  And so it was, that The Perfect Season opened in April 2000. 

it's always the perfect season here

We offer one of a kind pieces, antiques, glazed garden pots, fabulous faux florals, pampering self care, statuary, art, and work from local artists too.  See all the things around you and experience the beauty and creativity in every corner of the shop.  Don't forget to look up...or down for that matter, the treasures are everywhere!  Music playing in the background that ensures you have a relaxed feeling as you walk through the store.  Relaxes the soul.  I love to watch customers who take their time to enjoy, understand and appreciate the shop!

our philosophy

You may want a little help or a lot of help - either way, it's up to you. We aim to provide you with a serene, calm respite from the outside world.

  • enjoy exploring

  • discover treasures

  • head home excited to open your packages

interior & exterior design

We offer design services of any scope from tabletop to room; from a garden alcove to your entire home.   Services also available for your office or business.  Give us a call, we are excited to help.

  • news & special offers on Facebook


940 water street, port townsend, wa (360)385-9265

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